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Localization of successful medical device, sets out to overseas market…

페이지 정보

Writer 관리자 Date14-06-11 11:34 Hit1,431


The successive success of development with pure domestic technology in overseas medical device advantage


The outcome at a glance at ‘Biological & Medical Korea 2014’


‘HANLAB’ lead the localization of medical device for laboratory medicine, export to 14 countries all over the world


HANLAB Corporation (Representative Ryu, Heui-Geun), a medical device specialist in diagnostic medicine field,

also developed an automatic equilibrium centrifuge after trial and error for 6 years and now exports to 14 countries all over the world.

The automatic balancing centrifuge 'Labmaster® ABC-CB200R is noiseless and vibration-free compared to other products and has been evaluated as superior to foreign products in terms of stability,

reliability and promptness as a result of new product tests on domestic medical devices